Part Time
$75 - $150 month depending on experience
Jun 10, 2024
I am looking for someone who can find events happening in my local area. This will involve following accounts on social media and doing a couple of hours of research multiple times a week. We will provide you with an initial list of accounts to follow, but you should grow this list overtime as you find more accounts that promote events.
If a local event is found but there is limited details, this person should research further to try and find more details. This may include reaching out to the event planners to find more information or sourcing from more than 1 website. When applying, use the code word gohogs so that I know you have read and understand this role.
This is a part-time role that will likely be 3 - 5 hours per week. There is no set schedule for this role. The ideal candidate is an avid social media user and reads
To apply, please visit this link: